performer, musician, composer
saturday january 4th - jervis bary maritime museum 3-5pm
sunday 5th january - cambewarra winery - 12.30-3.00pm
saturday 11th january - altar bar milton - 2-5pm
THursday 16th january - jervis bay maritime museum - 3.00-5.00
saturday 18th january - burnetts on BArney, Kiama - 11.30am - 1.30pm
saturday 1st february - burnetts on barney, kiama - 11.30am-1.30
saturday 15th february - husky pub - 3pm-6pm
saturday 22nd february - culburra bowling club - 2-5pm
sunday 23rd february - salt and spencer, mollymook - 12-3pm
saturday 15th march - burnetts on barney - 9.30am
saturday 22nd march - rutledge bar, berry
sunday 11th may - swordfish brewing - 1pm-4pm
Past shows 2024
Saturday 7th december - wedding
sunday 8th december - culburra bowling club - 2pm-5pm
sunday 15th december - altar bar, milton 2-5pm
friday 20th decmber - private function - christmas party
Saturday 28th december - south yeast brewing - 5-7pm
friday 15th november - the kazador for 'friday wine down' - 5-6.30pm
unday 10th november - cin cin wine bar - 3pm-6pm
saturday 26th october - salt n spencer mollymook​
saturday 19th october - altar bar milton
saturday 5th october - south yeast brewery - 5pm-7pm
saturday 21st september - altar bar milton - 2-5
​​​​saturday 14th september - salt n spencer mollymook - 4.30-8pm
sunday 8th september - the co-op gerringong - 1-4pm
saturday 7th september - Jervis Bay Maritime Museum markets- 10.30-12.30
sunday 1st september - silos winery - 11.30 - 3.30
saturday 31st august - cambewarra estate winery - 11.30-3.30
sunday 4th august - swordfish brewing - 1-4pm
sunday 27th july - altar bar milton
Sunday 21st July - salt n spencer mollymook 12-3
Sunday 3rd June - Cin cin wine bar - 2 - 5pm
saturday 1st June - jervis bay maritime museum markets -10.30-12.30
sunday 28th april - altar wine bar, milton - 2-5pm
thursday 11th april - the tea club - 11.45-1.45
Saturday 30th march - Jervis bay holiday park, woolamia 3.30-6.30
Saturday 24th march - altar wine bar, milton - 2-5pm
saturday 16th march - south yeast brewing - 5pm-7pm
saturday 9th march - the illawarra yacht club - 5pm-8pm
friday 8th march - 'Jazz is jazz' at cin cin wine bar kiama- 6-9pm
sunday 18th february - swordfish brewing, sussex inlet, 1-4pm
Sunday 4th February - cin cin wine bar, kiama - 3-6pm
sunday 28th January - altar wine bar milton - 2-5pm
friday 26th january - seratonin on curembene - 5-8pm
thursday 25th January - The Tea Club - 11.45-1.45pm
sunday 14th January - swordfish brewing, sussex inlet - 1-4pm
Past shows 2023
saturday 23rd december - the blue swimmer, gerroa - 12-2.30pm
saturday 16th december - south yeast brewing - 5-7pm
Friday 8th December - The tea club nights - 6pm-8pm
Friday 1st December - The Tea Club - 11.45 - 1.45
Friday 17th November - Seratonin on curembene - 5-8pm
friday 17th november - the tea club - 11.45 - 1.45
thursday 9th november - shoalhaven songwriters collective showcase - shoalhaven regional gallery - 5pm
saturday 4th november - jervis bay maritime museum morning markets 10.15am
friday 3rd november - the tea club - 11.45 - 1.45
saturday 21st october - south yeast brewing - 5-7pm
friday 20th october - the tea club - 11.45 - 1.45
sunday 8th october - culburra bowling club - 4pm-7pm
sunday 3rd September - the blue swimmer, gerroa. 12.00 - 2.30
saturday 5th august - jervis bay maritime museum morning markets 10.15am
saturday 1st july - shoalhaven entertainment centre for the arty farty party - 12.45pm
sunday 11th june - Heads bowlo - 1pm-4pm
saturday 10th june - the garden ,berry 3pm - 6pm
saturday 3rd june - Jervis Bay maritime museum morning markets - 10.15am
saturday 27th may - south yeast brewing - 5pm-7pm
thursday 25th may - the tea club - 12pm
saturday 5th may - Rutledge bar, berry - 6pm-9pm
Thursday 27th April - the tea club - 12pm
Saturday 22nd april - private function - wedding
Saturday 1st April - Jervis Bay maritime museum twilight markets - 3.45pm-6.15pm
Saturday 25th March - South yeast Brewery - 5-7pm
thursday 23rd march - the tea club - 12PM
saturday 18th march - rutledge bar, berry - 6pm-9pm
sunday 12thmarch - culburra bowling club - 4pm-7pm
thursday 23rd feburary - the tea club - 12pm
sunday 19th february - bundanon - 1pm-3pm
saturday 18th february - the garden, berry - 3pm-6pm
Sunday 12th feburary - hyper hyper/punch the ploughman - 9.30am
saturday 4th february - jervis bay twilight markets @ maritime museum - 3.45pm-6.15pm
sunday 29th january - the flaming galah brewery
saturday 28th january - swordfish brewing co.
wednesday 25th january - the tea club
saturday 7th january - the garden, berry - 3pm-6pm
sunday 1st january- culburra bowling club - 4pm-7pm
Past shows 2022
thursday 22nd december - the tea club - 11.45-1.45
saturday 17th december - flamin galah brewery - 4pm-8pm
saturday 10th december - the garden, berry - 3pm-6pm
saturday 10th december - live and local event at shoalhaven art gallery - 12.00
friday 9th december - huskisson pavillion - 6pm-10pm
thursday 8th december - the tea club - 11.45-1.45
sunday 4th december - portside cafe - 10am-2pm
sunday 27th november - hyper hyper/ punch the ploughman - 9am
thursday 24th november - the tea club - 11.45-1.45pm
sunday 20th november - flamin gallah brewery - 2pm-6pm
saturday 19th november - huskisson pavillion - 7pm-11pm
saturday 5th november - south yeast brewing co - 5-7pm
thursday 3rd november - the tea club - 11.45-1.45
Saturday 22nd october - culburra beach bowling club - 4.30pm
Thursday 13th October - The Tea club - 11.45-1.45
friday 9th september - the music lounge, wollongong - supporting the thin white ukes
sunday 14th august - hyper hyper - 9.30am
saturday 30th july - culburra beach bowling club - 7.30pm
saturday 30th july - the garden, berry - 2.45-5.45
Saturday 16th july - the garden, berry - 3pm- 6pm
saturday 11th june - south yeast brewery - 5pm
sunday 8th may - hyper hyper - 9.00am
saturday 30th april - The Shoalhaven entertainment centre - ep launch for 'hearthstone'. with support 'the pipers son'.
sunday 24th april - kiss arts festival kiama, 3:30pm
Saturday 23rd april - stocklands
tuesday 12th april - the tea club - 11.45am
Saturday 9th april - the garden, berry- 3pm
tuesday 22nd march - the tea club - 11.45am
tuesday 8th march - the tea club - 11.45am
saturday 12th feb - The garden, berry- 3pm
Tuesday 8th feb - the tea club - 11.45am
Tuesday 25th january - the tea club, 11.30am
sunday 23rd january - the growers, worrigee - 12pm
Saturday 1st january - the garden, berry
Tuesday 21st December - The tea club - 12pm
tuesday 14th December - The tea club - 12pm
sunday 12th december - the growers worrigee
friday 10th december - kangaroo valley markets
saturday 13th november - the growers worrigee - 6pm
sunday 11th july - the growers - 1pm-4pm
sunday 13th june - sounds delicious tim freedman support
Saturday 12th June - Sounds delicious Tim freedman support
friday 11th june - jervis bay brewery
friday 4th june - worrigee sports club - 7.30pm
Friday 21st May - worrigee sports club - 7pm-10pm
sunday 16th may - jervis bay brewery
Friday 7th may - worrigee sports club - 7pm-10pm
saturday 1st may - south yeast brewing company - 5pm-7pm
Friday 12th March- Saturday 28th March - Letters to Lindy @ The Nowra Players
Sunday 7th March - The Growers @ Worrigee - 1pm-4pm - Free
Friday 26th February - Worrigee Sports Club - 7pm-10pm - Free
sunday 14th march - the garden, berry - 3pm-6pm - free
Saturday 15th February - bushfire fundraiser @ Crooked river winery - ticketed event